Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Show and Tell

It looks like residents may be starting to leave as we only had about 35 members present today.  I hope the low count wasn't because folks were hesitant to come to our Show and Tell session!  Those of us that were there enjoyed some entertaining presentations from fellow computer users.  I'm afraid to list all the names here for fear that I'll miss someone as I wasn't diligent enough to write down all the names.  Sorry about that.  We saw several slide shows including some beautiful sunset photos with music, a darling slideshow of a visit from the grandchildren, a stunning movie paying tribute to war veterans, a presentation about the great variety of bird life and activity on our golf course, and even a comical slide show about a day in a dog's life.

We viewed a maritime website so we could observe all the ships at sea and I entertained the group with some silly exe files to liven up your desktop.
 We reviewed the proper procedures for cleaning the screen on your laptop and the proper SAFE way to use compressed air near the keyboard.  Dirt is a prime enemy of your computer.

Our speaker from the Casa Grande Public Library has been confirmed and will be present on Wednesday, March 16.  She will present information about:
     -How out-of-towners can obtain a library card & use our local libraries
     -Downloading free library eBooks for your Kindle or Ipad
     -Free computer classes on various subjects
     -Volunteer opportunities at the local libraries
     -The annual "Friends of the Library" book sale
If time permits after Linda Yen's library presentation, Mike Salter will expand on how to create a movie using your photos in Windows Movie Maker and Picasa.

Door prize winners were Flo Tellinghuisen, Bill Murr, and Doug Anderson.  Congratulations!  The door prizes will cease on March 23 as we're saving our funds for a donation toward a new projector for use in the SanTan room.

We plan to continue our weekly meetings through April 20 as a show of hands indicated there was enough interest to continue.  For those who will be attending, be sure to submit requests for meeting topics.

Enjoy the sunshine outdoors, but save enough energy to keep your laptop humming and active! 

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