Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Today's Minutes

We had 46 people at today's meeting.  Thank you one and all for attending.  The more the merrier! 

Several members have asked about printing labels for their CDs or DVDs so we reviewed the Avery website at  CD labels can be purchased at any Staples, Office Max, etc.  Be sure to check for "ink jet" printer labels. 
  • go to "Templates & Software" on the blue bar
  • go to "Design & Print On Line"
  • click on "start now"
  • choose "Media Labels & Inserts"
  • pick the avery label number you have purchased
  • follow the on line instructions to print your label
OR....if you want the entire Avery program on your computer, bring your laptop to next week's meeting and we can copy it onto your machine for you from a jump drive. 

When using Picasa, go to and click on the "Helps" section.  Picasa has some very good detailed instructions for many of their functions.

We discussed a way to help identify duplicate photos in Picasa by going to the Tools Menu, Experimental, Duplicate Photos.  Then right click on a photo, and choose "Locate on Disk".  It is one way to help eliminate duplicate photos.

We explored Google Earth and learned how to plan a trip with multiple stops and then email the complete map and directions directly from there.  Google Earth is a very impressive program!  Street View allows us to zoom in and view photos in 360 degrees to see the buildings and surroundings.

We reviewed Windows Live Essentials and Windows Live Mail.  Windows Essential is available for both Windows 7 and Vista and can be downloaded for free.  We demonstrated how easy it was to load several email addresses into one account for easy access. 

Next week, Mike Salter will present several topics:  (March 2)
  • use of a calendar/day planner in our email programs
  • what to know when buying a new computer
  • windows live essentials
  • how to adjust the touchpad on your laptop
  • how to burn a CD or DVD
If time permits, we will continue our Basics session as well.

Congratulations to our door prize winners today: 
  • 8 gb flash drive - Sandy Morin
  • 4 gb flash drive - Madeleine Cameron
  • Notebook & keychain - Sue Neumann
Email us with questions, topics you'd like presented at our meetings, or favorite websites that other members may enjoy.  Our email address is

March 9:  Several members will be showing slideshows or movies or just sharing computer stories.  It's YOUR turn to share with the club.  Send us an email so we put your name on the list of presenters.  (presentations should be no longer than 10 minutes)

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