Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Guest Speaker

We had three special guests at our Wednesday meeting:  Wendell Johnson (Palm Creek's General Manager), Gary Lambert (our Office Manager), and Justin Dawson from Dish Network.

Wendell first reviewed some history of television, telephone, and internet systems that we've had at Palm Creek in the past.  He explained the progression of how technology has changed and how our needs have grown.  Where we used to have a couple hundred people requesting internet service, we now have over 900 wanting service.  Trying to do a WiFi system over our 270 acres where big RVs come and go blocking access for antennas, etc. became an impossible task.  As technology advances, the resort had to look for an outside source that could assist with meeting our demands for increased connectivity.  After interviewing and researching multiple companies, an agreement was reached with Dish to accommodate our requests.  Dish could also supply the technical support to handle and maintain the systems rather than trying to hire appropriately trained personnel on staff. 

Justin described the technical aspects of what Dish has done to increase the band width to our resort.  Dish connections should now be around the 1.5 meg range....give or take some speeds during peak periods.  Dish is able to monitor our usage and determine those peak periods.  He laughed and said we have a bunch of late night owls who must stream videos in the evening because our highest usage came around 9 pm when everyone settles down after a busy day of activities.  That's probably the only time we have to get on line to check emails or skype chat with folks back home.

Future plans will offer a tiered service which means we can get the basic package we have now at about the 1.5 speed or we will be able to upgrade to a 3 or possibly a 6 speed level.  Hopefully, we'll see those options by next season.

Gary Lambert reminded us that if we have any individual internet or Dish TV problems that we should notify the front guest services office (park extension 7000).  Your name will be logged and a Dish technician will visit your site to address your problem.  This will avoid any long frustrating calls to an 800 number.
Thank you to Wendell, Gary, and Justin for meeting with us today! 

Door prizes were as follows:  Doug Anderson won a wireless keyboard and mouse, Nancy Haney won a 4gig flash drive, and Kent Evans won a notebook and a LCD keychain light.  Thanks to all for attending.

I'd like to set March 9 as a "show and tell" day when members can show off some of their photos.  Let's plan on that date.  Put together a SHORT presentation of some of your favorite photos.  Each presentation should be no longer than five minutes.  Bring the photos on a flash drive and we'll play them to the group as our entertainment.  For added enjoyment, try adding some music or narration to the slideshow.

Next week on February 16, we'll resume our regular topic of Picasa followed by a another session on basic skills.  Hope to see you all there!

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