Saturday, March 27, 2010

March 24, 2010

We're nearing the end of the '09-10 season.  This week's meeting consisted of election of officers for next season and a very valuable roundtable discussion of suggested topics for next year.

We want to give a special THANK YOU to Peggy Fetzer for all the work she did for the club this year.  With all the projects Peggy is involved in, we appreciate the hours she reserved for our group.  Thank you, Peggy!

Having no other nominees step forward, Sue Hepler will chair the group for the upcoming 2010-2011 season. 

Bill and Marilyn Grange will continue as Secretary and Treasurer for another year.  Thank you to both for your dedication to the group.  Bill and Marilyn were the ones who purchased all the great door prizes, kept attendance rosters, membership lists, and minutes from each meeting.  Bill has every detail recorded for our treasury and has done an outstanding job.  We're thankful for their dedication.

Montez Beard will continue as our "social director" as she takes charge of the end of the year party and any other socials we may have.

Our next meeting on March 30 (9:30 am) will be the last one for this season.  We'll celebrate by having refreshments and a short presentation of Tips and Tricks gleaned from the most recent issue of Smart Computing magazine.

As more residents and guests are planning early arrivals for next season, we will start club meetings the first week of November.  Please give it some thought over summer and submit ideas and suggestions for future meetings.  Mark this blog in your favorites so you can stay current with club activities.

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